We would be honored to have you join us for one of our regularly scheduled services this week:
Image of Open Bible
10:00 AMSunday Morning Worship Service
Join us for worship as we seek to glorify God through singing, prayer, giving, fellowship and the preaching of God's Word. Childcare is available for children 4th grade and below.

10:00 AMMinisterio Hispano de Westside Baptist Church
¡Ofrecemos servicios en Español todos los domingos por la mañana a las 10 am en nuestro Centro de Educación Cristiana (es el edificio detrás del edificio principal) para un tiempo de canto, predicación de la Palabra de Dios y compañerismo! 

6:00 PMBible Study - A Study Through the Book of Titus
 Meet in the auditorium for a time of teaching and encouragement through the Book of Titus. 
A nursery and children's program are offered simultaneously so parents can be free to listen and participate.

Image of Open Bible
7:00 PMTruth Trackers for Kids
Children ages 3 and up can participate in our exciting Kids' Program called Truth Trackers.  Each Wednesday night is packed full of games, snacks, fun, and most importantly, God's Word!

7:00 PMPrayer Meeting
Gather with us for a special time of focused prayer.

7:00 PMYouth Group

The teens get together and play exciting games each Wednesday evening and then spend some quality time in God's Word learning how to practically apply the Bible and its truth to their lives.





7:00 PMEstudio Biblico y Oracion
Ofrecemos estudios bíblicos para adultos los Miércoles a las 7 pm y actividades para niños y jóvenes.